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All articles tagged: Other viral agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere (B97.89)

Evalytics 01 April at 06.25 PM

HIV Remission in Children: A Hopeful Development

HIV remission in children, characterized by a sustained period of undetectable viral load without the need for antiretroviral therapy (ART), represents a significant breakthrough in pediatric HIV care. This phenomenon, observed in children who have undergone a pause in treatment, offers new insights into the management and potential cure of HIV/AIDS.

Evalytics 11 March at 01.26 AM

HIV Remission in Children: A Hopeful Development

Pediatric HIV remission, marked by prolonged undetectable viral load sans antiretroviral therapy (ART), is a notable advance. This condition, seen in children with treatment pauses, offers fresh perspectives on HIV/AIDS management and potential cure.

Evalytics 04 March at 05.48 PM

CDC releases new guidance ending 5-day isolation period for recovering COVID-19 patients

The CDC shortens isolation for COVID-19 from 10 to 5 days for most patients. This change aims to balance public health with societal needs amid Omicron surge. However, individuals should still wear masks for 5 additional days when around others.

Evalytics 19 February at 03.11 PM

New study confirms double the risk of dementia after mouth herpes simplex virus

A study suggests a possible link between mouth herpes simplex virus and dementia. Researchers found higher levels of the virus in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. This association raises questions about the role of viral infections in neurodegenerative conditions.

HealthDay 30 October at 09.22 PM

Infectious Diseases Society of America, Oct. 11-15

The annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America was held this year from Oct. 11 to 15 in Boston and attracted participants from around the world, including scientists, physicians, and other health care professionals. The conference featured education courses and comprehensive educational programs that focused on the latest advances in the d