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All articles tagged: Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified (D80.9)

Evalytics 01 April at 06.25 PM

HIV Remission in Children: A Hopeful Development

HIV remission in children, characterized by a sustained period of undetectable viral load without the need for antiretroviral therapy (ART), represents a significant breakthrough in pediatric HIV care. This phenomenon, observed in children who have undergone a pause in treatment, offers new insights into the management and potential cure of HIV/AIDS.

Evalytics 11 March at 01.26 AM

HIV Remission in Children: A Hopeful Development

Pediatric HIV remission, marked by prolonged undetectable viral load sans antiretroviral therapy (ART), is a notable advance. This condition, seen in children with treatment pauses, offers fresh perspectives on HIV/AIDS management and potential cure.