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All articles tagged: Disorder of breast, unspecified (N64.9)

HealthDay 03 January at 03.56 PM

Most Women Say Clinicians Have Conversations About Breast Density

Most women report that their clinicians counsel them about breast density, according to a study published online Nov. 27 in JAMA Network Open.Nancy R. Kressin, Ph.D., from Boston University School of Medicine, and colleagues conducted a telephone survey of 770 women to examine the content of women's reports of breast density disc

HealthDay 03 November at 11.00 PM

Women May Not Recognize Non-Lump Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Fewer than half of women recognize symptoms other than a lump in the breast as a potential sign of breast cancer, according to the results of a survey commissioned by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center: The James (OSUCCC-James). The survey was conducted online (974 participants) and via telephone (30 participants) from Sep