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Evalytics 31 October at 04.27 PM

EPA proposes to ban all uses of cancer-causing contaminant TCE

EPA's Proposal on TCE: The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a proposed plan to ban all uses of trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical known to cause cancer.

TCE's Prevalence: Since the 1920s, TCE has been widely used in manufacturing as a solvent, cleaning agent, and is also found in products like paints, sealants, and some auto products.

Health Concerns: Exposure to TCE has been linked to various health issues, including cancer, liver damage, Parkinson's disease, and reproductive problems. Most people are exposed to TCE through contaminated drinking water.

Implementation of the Ban: The proposed rule would take effect in one year for consumer products, with some commercial and industrial uses being phased out over a more extended period.

EPA's Stance: The EPA believes there are safer alternatives to TCE available and is taking this step to protect families, workers, and communities from the harmful effects of the chemical.

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