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Evalytics 06 November at 02.58 PM

Daylight saving time ends this weekend. Here's why some doctors say standard time should be permanent

Daylight saving time's end has prompted some doctors to advocate for the permanent adoption of standard time, citing alignment with natural human sleep-wake cycles. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and other health organizations support this change due to the adverse effects caused by shifting clocks on public health, including disruptions to the body's circadian rhythm.

The semi-annual time changes are associated with a rise in health issues such as heart attacks, strokes, and mood disorders. Experts emphasize that the body's internal clock is thrown off by the changes, likening it to chronic "jet lag," which undermines cardiovascular and neurological health and impairs cognitive functions.

To combat the negative effects of the time switch, health professionals recommend preparing for the change by gradually adjusting sleep schedules and increasing therapy sessions for those with mood disorders. Regular exercise and limiting screen time are also suggested to help reset the body's internal clock and enhance overall well-being.

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