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Evalytics 06 November at 03.05 PM

More adults should be screened for lung cancer under updated guideline, American Cancer Society says

The American Cancer Society has expanded lung cancer screening guidelines to include more adults, specifically targeting those aged 50-80 with a history of smoking, regardless of when they quit. This update could potentially add 5 million people to the screening pool, aiming to increase early detection.

The new guidelines simplify the criteria for screenings, focusing on a person's smoking history rather than the time since quitting. This approach is expected to enhance the effectiveness of screenings and prevent more lung cancer deaths, especially as the risk remains high with age.

Reflecting the latest research, the revised guidelines seek to address disparities in lung cancer outcomes and improve overall screening rates. By broadening the eligibility, the American Cancer Society aims to detect more cases early when the disease is most treatable, particularly in underserved communities.

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