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Evalytics 13 November at 05.48 PM

New postpartum depression drug gets almost $16,000 price tag, raising questions about access

New Medication for Postpartum Depression: Zurzuvae, a newly approved oral medication for postpartum depression, represents a significant development in treatment options.

High Cost: The medication is priced at $15,900 for a 14-day course, before insurance, which raises concerns about its affordability for many patients.

Fast-Acting Alternative: Unlike traditional SSRIs, Zurzuvae is fast-acting, showing improvement in depressive symptoms in clinical trials within as little as three days.

Insurance and Accessibility Issues: There is uncertainty regarding how much of the cost will be covered by insurance, potentially limiting access for those who cannot afford it.

Concerns About Disparities in Access: The article highlights worries about disparities in access to this medication, particularly for underrepresented communities, given its high cost and the challenges in insurance coverage.

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