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Evalytics 20 November at 08.49 PM

New tumor marker can detect gastric cancer with nearly 90% accuracy

In a significant medical breakthrough, a team from Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine has identified the stromal cell-derived factor 4 (SDF-4) protein as a highly reliable marker for gastric cancer. Their research, published in Scientific Reports, highlights the effectiveness of SDF-4 in cancer detection, particularly its potential in the early diagnosis of gastric cancer. This discovery is crucial as gastrointestinal cancers, such as gastric cancer, are often diagnosed too late for effective treatment. The team's findings suggest that simple blood tests for SDF-4 could revolutionize the early detection process.

The study, led by Dr. Takahiro Shinozuka, focused on overcoming the limitations of existing tumor markers like CEA and CA19-9, which lack accuracy in detecting all cancers. The researchers aimed to develop new tumor markers that could detect various types of cancer at an early stage. In their investigation, they found that SDF-4 was consistently present in elevated levels in blood samples from patients with various cancers, including gastric, esophageal, colorectal, pancreatic, breast, and liver cancers. This marked SDF-4 as a promising candidate for a universal cancer marker.

The most striking aspect of the SDF-4 marker is its high sensitivity and specificity in cancer diagnosis. The protein exhibited a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 99% in detecting cancer, significantly outperforming conventional tumor markers. This high level of accuracy was even observed in patients with early-stage gastric cancer, suggesting that SDF-4 could detect cancer at a stage when symptoms are not yet apparent. The research team is now collaborating with a company to develop measurement devices for SDF-4, aiming to incorporate it into routine cancer screening and aid in the early detection and treatment of various cancer types.

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