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Evalytics 20 November at 08.55 PM

Any activity is better for your heart than sitting -- even sleeping

Impact of Activity on Heart Health: Engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activity, even for short periods, can significantly improve heart health, more so than lighter activities or standing.

Data Analysis from Multiple Countries: The study analyzed data from 15,246 individuals across five countries, providing a comprehensive view of how movement behaviors affect heart health.

Hierarchy of Beneficial Behaviors: A hierarchy was identified in daily behaviors, with moderate-vigorous activities being the most beneficial for heart health, followed by light activities, standing, and sleeping.

Quantifiable Health Improvements: Replacing sedentary behavior with physical activity led to measurable improvements in health metrics such as BMI, waist circumference, and glycated hemoglobin levels.

Accessibility for All Abilities: The study emphasizes that people of all abilities can benefit from increased physical activity. Even lower-intensity activities can be beneficial, provided they are done for a longer duration.

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