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Evalytics 27 November at 06.06 PM

More addictive and harder to quit: Health groups want Black menthol smokers to know support groups can help

The NBC News article focuses on the Biden administration's initiative to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars, a move that significantly impacts Black smokers who are the predominant users of menthol cigarettes in the U.S. This demographic trend is a result of long-term targeted marketing by the tobacco industry. Menthol cigarettes are known to be more addictive and challenging to quit compared to regular cigarettes, with Black smokers experiencing even lower success rates in cessation.

The article sheds light on the necessity for effective quitting programs, particularly in Black communities. It shares personal narratives of individuals who struggled with menthol cigarette addiction and their journey towards quitting. These stories illustrate the crucial role of support groups and tailored cessation programs in helping smokers overcome their addiction. The piece emphasizes the importance of having trained facilitators and resources available in communities heavily affected by menthol cigarette use.

The proposed FDA ban on menthol cigarettes is part of a larger effort to address the high rates of smoking-related deaths in the Black community and to confront the systemic racism evident in tobacco-related health disparities. The ban is seen as a significant step towards reducing the attractiveness of cigarettes to new smokers and aiding current smokers in quitting, ultimately aiming to mitigate the long-standing public health issue disproportionately affecting Black Americans.

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