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Evalytics 05 January at 08.49 PM

'Most dengue in recorded history': Millions are infected as virus flares with hotter temperatures

The NBC News article reports a record-breaking rise in dengue cases in the Americas and Caribbean, exceeding 4 million in 2023. This surge is attributed to higher temperatures and urbanization, which enhance the spread of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the primary transmitter of dengue.

Healthcare systems are struggling under the outbreak's impact, especially in poorer regions. With no specific treatment for dengue, managing symptoms and preventing severe cases is challenging. The outbreak is also negatively affecting tourism and economic development in affected areas.

The article emphasizes the global reach of dengue, with cases in 80 countries and local transmission in Europe and Africa. The World Health Organization labels dengue as a pandemic threat and the fastest-spreading mosquito-borne disease. Despite vaccines and control strategies, the absence of specific treatments post-infection remains a major concern, highlighting the need for effective public health measures.

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