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Evalytics 05 January at 09.18 PM

Pattern of alcohol intake more accurate indicator of liver disease risk than overall consumption, finds study

  • Binge Drinking and Genetics: Individuals who binge drink and have certain genetic predispositions are six times more likely to develop alcohol-related cirrhosis.

  • Impact of Drinking Pattern: The pattern of alcohol intake, such as binge drinking, is a more accurate indicator of liver disease risk than the overall volume of alcohol consumed.

  • Role of Type-2 Diabetes: The presence of type-2 diabetes, in combination with heavy binge drinking and genetic risk, further increases the likelihood of developing alcohol-related cirrhosis.

  • Interaction of Risk Factors: The study highlights that the interaction of multiple risk factors, like heavy binge drinking, genetic predisposition, and type-2 diabetes, significantly amplifies the risk of liver disease.

  • Global Increase in Liver Disease: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a 20% increase in alcohol-related deaths, underlining the growing global concern of liver disease.

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