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Evalytics 05 January at 09.32 PM

Scientists unveil complete cell map of a whole mammalian brain

An international team has crafted a detailed mouse brain cell atlas, backed by the NIH's BRAIN Initiative. This atlas encompasses over 32 million brain cells, detailing types, locations, and molecular characteristics, enhancing our understanding of both the human brain and potential therapies for brain disorders.

Beyond structure, the atlas catalogues each cell's transcriptome, epigenome, neurotransmitters, and neuropeptides, providing a comprehensive view of cellular diversity and signaling in brain circuits, advancing neuroscience research and treatment possibilities.

This milestone is part of the NIH's BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN), paving the way for similar efforts in human and nonhuman primate brains. Initiatives like the BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN) seek to revolutionize neuroscience research and treatment approaches by revealing the brain's foundational principles governing circuits and behavior.

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