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Evalytics 15 January at 04.33 PM

New estimate doubles likely deaths from fungal disease globally

Dramatic Increase in Deaths: The annual global death toll from fungal diseases has risen to 3.75 million, which is double the previous estimates.

High Mortality Rate: Approximately 68% of these deaths, or about 2.55 million, are likely to have been directly caused by fungal diseases.

Comparison with Other Diseases: Fungal diseases are now known to cause more deaths than some major pathogens, killing six times more people than malaria and almost three times as many as tuberculosis.

Widespread Impact: The study involved collaboration from over 300 professionals across the world, indicating the widespread impact and concern regarding fungal diseases.

Underestimation of Previous Estimates: Previous estimates of fungal disease mortality were significantly lower, partly because many fungal diseases exacerbate existing severe disorders like leukemia or AIDS, leading to underreporting or misattribution of the cause of death.

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