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Evalytics 22 January at 02.24 PM

Colon cancer is killing more younger men and women than ever, new report finds

Rising Colon Cancer Deaths: The article reports a significant increase in colon cancer deaths among younger men and women, particularly those under 50.

Decline in Older Age Group: While colon cancer deaths have been declining in older age groups, the trend is worsening among younger individuals.

Lack of Early Screening: The article points out that many younger people are not getting screened for colon cancer, contributing to the rise in mortality.

Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices, including poor diet and lack of physical activity, are cited as potential factors contributing to the increase in colon cancer cases among younger adults.

Call for Awareness: The article emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about the risk of colon cancer in younger populations and encourages early screening and prevention efforts.

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