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Evalytics 22 January at 02.38 PM

Apple plans to remove sensor from some watch models depending on how a court rules in patent dispute

In response to a recent court ruling, Apple is planning to remove the blood oxygen sensor from some of its watch models. This move reflects the company's efforts to comply with regulatory requirements and legal considerations. The sensor, which has been a valuable health monitoring feature, will no longer be available in select Apple Watch versions.

The decision to eliminate the blood oxygen sensor raises questions about Apple's future product offerings and the impact of legal disputes on its technology. While the sensor has provided users with important health data, the company appears to be adjusting its product lineup to align with the court's ruling. It remains to be seen how this change will affect Apple's overall strategy and the user experience for those who rely on this health monitoring feature.

Apple's decision highlights the ongoing challenges tech companies face in navigating legal and regulatory issues, and it underscores the need for adaptability and compliance in a rapidly evolving industry.

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