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Evalytics 22 January at 03.14 PM

What would a 2nd Trump presidency look like for health care?

During his second presidential campaign, Donald Trump pledges to repeal the Affordable Care Act, despite its growing popularity. His administration's major achievement was the fast-tracked development of COVID-19 vaccines through Operation Warp Speed.

Trump's health care legacy is a mix of transparency efforts and policy reversals by the Biden administration. He pushed for price transparency in health care but was inconsistent in his health policy positions, notably failing to provide an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

Trump's tenure significantly impacted public health and reproductive rights. His handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the politicization of the response were controversial. In abortion policy, his Supreme Court appointments led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and his administration enacted several anti-abortion measures, later reversed by the Biden administration.

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