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Evalytics 29 January at 05.02 PM

Alabama performs 1st nitrogen gas execution: What to know about this method

Alabama is preparing for its first execution using nitrogen gas as an alternative to lethal injection due to difficulties in obtaining lethal injection drugs and mounting legal challenges.

Nitrogen gas execution involves the inmate inhaling pure nitrogen gas, causing a painless death, seen as more humane than lethal injection, though some worry about transparency and potential complications.

This move by Alabama highlights the ongoing debate over capital punishment methods in the U.S., with legal and logistical challenges yet to be fully resolved for the wider adoption of nitrogen gas execution.

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    Anonymous on 1st February 2024

    They discovered heavy lungs on post mortem. The cruelty of drowning in their own secretions, which is exactly what happens when people die in hospice care...except much more slowly, over hours or days. The person moans or is restless and receives a small dose of sedative/narcotic until restlessness or "death rattle" breathing occurs and it is repeated over and over again until death occurs. Hospice deaths are arguably more cruel than IV executions. This article ignore the victims of these individuals who deserve "justice". Very sad!

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