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Evalytics 29 January at 05.07 PM

Congress wants to ban China's largest genomics firm from doing business in the U.S. Here's why.

National Security Concerns: The primary focus of the article is on Congress's growing concerns about the potential national security risks posed by BGI, a Chinese genomics firm with ties to the Chinese government.

Legislative Action: Congress is considering legislation to ban or restrict BGI's operations in the United States due to concerns that the company could misuse genetic data or engage in activities that threaten U.S. national security interests.

Genetic Data Collection: BGI has been involved in the collection and analysis of genetic data on a global scale, raising concerns about the potential for the Chinese government to access sensitive information through the company's operations.

U.S.-China Tensions: The article underscores how the issue of BGI's activities in the United States is part of broader tensions between the U.S. and China, particularly in the realm of technology and data security.

Investigations and Responses: The U.S. government has been conducting investigations into BGI's activities, and the article discusses various responses and measures being considered to address the perceived risks associated with the company's presence in the U.S.

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