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Evalytics 13 February at 06.45 PM

Pickleball-related injuries are on the rise, doctors say

The article discusses a concerning trend of rising injuries associated with pickleball, a popular sport, particularly among older adults. Medical professionals have observed an increase in bone fractures and other injuries related to pickleball, which they attribute to its growing popularity and the demographic it attracts. With more people participating, the risk of accidents and injuries has also heightened.

Experts highlight the importance of precautionary measures such as proper warm-ups, technique, and the use of protective gear to mitigate the risk of injuries. They stress the need for players, especially older individuals, to be mindful of their physical limitations and to gradually increase their activity level to prevent strains and fractures. Additionally, they advocate for adequate training and supervision to ensure players understand the rules and techniques to play safely.

Despite the concerns about injuries, pickleball continues to gain traction as a recreational activity, particularly among seniors seeking social engagement and physical exercise. While acknowledging the sport's benefits, health professionals and advocates urge players to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to minimize the risk of injuries and enjoy the game responsibly.

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