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Evalytics 19 February at 03.07 PM

Why the Tech Industry Won’t Disrupt Health Care

Regulatory Complexity: The article emphasizes how the intricate regulatory landscape in healthcare presents a significant barrier to tech disruption.

Entrenched Interests: It discusses how entrenched stakeholders within the healthcare industry, including providers, payers, and regulators, resist disruptive changes that threaten their established positions.

Unique Healthcare Dynamics: The article points out the unique complexities of healthcare delivery, such as patient variability, which pose challenges for tech companies aiming to standardize solutions.

Fragmented Market: It highlights the fragmentation within the healthcare market, making it difficult for tech companies to scale and penetrate effectively.

Interdisciplinary Challenges: The article underscores the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare, requiring collaboration between technology experts, clinicians, policymakers, and others, which adds another layer of complexity to tech disruption efforts.

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