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Evalytics 25 March at 05.40 AM

Bernie Sanders wants the US to adopt a 32-hour workweek. Could workers and companies benefit?

Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed a bill to reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours without cutting workers' pay and benefits, citing advancements in technology that allow companies to afford such a change. Critics argue that mandating a shorter workweek could force companies to hire more workers or face decreased productivity, particularly in industries requiring hands-on labor.

Studies, including one in the UK, suggest that a shorter workweek can lead to reduced stress, increased job satisfaction, and even revenue growth for companies. However, opponents caution that while this model may be feasible for certain sectors like those heavily reliant on computers, it could pose challenges for manufacturing plants with assembly lines.

Republican opposition, coupled with potential resistance from some Democrats, may hinder the bill's progress in both the Senate and the GOP-controlled House. Critics like GOP Senator Bill Cassidy argue that maintaining wages while reducing hours could strain small businesses and lead to increased consumer costs.

Sanders, emphasizing accountability for big corporations, argues that technological advancements should benefit workers by allowing for a shorter workweek. He traces the history of labor rights advocacy, highlighting a century-long struggle for reduced working hours dating back to the 1830s, culminating in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which established the 40-hour workweek.

The proposal reflects ongoing debates over the balance between work and leisure, echoing sentiments from labor unions and advocates throughout history who have championed shorter workdays as essential for worker well-being. Despite opposition, Sanders and supporters view the bill as a crucial step towards ensuring that technological advancements translate into tangible benefits for working people.

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