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Evalytics 25 March at 05.45 AM

Where's the Narcan? At pharmacies across the U.S., the OTC antidote can be hard to find

The rollout of over-the-counter Narcan, hailed as a beacon of hope in combating America's opioid crisis, has encountered challenges in accessibility and implementation. Despite the FDA's approval and subsequent availability in stores, the distribution of Narcan hasn't fully met expectations.

NBC News conducted a comprehensive survey across various retail outlets, revealing a mixed picture of Narcan's availability. While major drugstores and big-box pharmacies typically stocked the product, convenience stores and gas stations generally did not. In stores where Narcan was available, its placement varied, sometimes requiring customers to navigate through locked cases or obscured displays.

The inconsistent rollout has drawn criticism from experts and advocates, who stress the importance of making Narcan widely accessible. Maya Doe-Simkins from Remedy Alliance highlighted the need for a more uniform distribution strategy. Dr. Maryam Jowza emphasized the missed opportunity in not selling Narcan in gas stations and convenience stores, where it could reach a broader audience.

Some pharmacies reported slow sales of over-the-counter Narcan, raising questions about its impact on addressing the opioid crisis. However, data from Emergent BioSolutions, the maker of Narcan, indicates robust sales since its launch. Despite the challenges, there have been instances where Narcan purchased over the counter has saved lives, indicating its potential significance in emergency situations.

One significant barrier to access is the stigma associated with purchasing Narcan, which some individuals may find uncomfortable. To address this, efforts to increase awareness and reduce stigma are crucial. Anonymity in access, as well as affordable pricing, are key factors in making Narcan more accessible to those who need it.

While the rollout of over-the-counter Narcan represents a step forward in combating the opioid crisis, there remain challenges to overcome in ensuring widespread availability and utilization of this life-saving medication.

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