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Evalytics 11 October at 07.06 PM

A peek inside human brain shows a way it cleans out waste

Discovery of Brain Waste-Clearing System in Humans: Researchers have identified waste-clearing channels in the human brain, similar to the "glymphatic system" observed in animals, using advanced imaging techniques.

Connection to Alzheimer's Disease: The glymphatic system helps clear out harmful waste, such as beta-amyloid, which is associated with Alzheimer's. This discovery could offer new insights into the prevention and treatment of dementia.

Role of Sleep in Waste Clearance: The brain's waste-clearing activity is particularly active during sleep, suggesting that good sleep is crucial for brain health, while chronic sleep deprivation may increase the risk of dementia.

Challenges in Measuring Glymphatic Function: Traditional MRI scans struggle to detect these waste-clearing channels. The study utilized a tracer in advanced MRI to observe the system in action in human brains.

Potential for New Treatments: The discovery opens the possibility of developing methods to enhance glymphatic function through sleep improvements or medications, with ongoing research into using certain drugs, such as a blood pressure medication currently used for PTSD.

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