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Evalytics 17 October at 06.43 PM

1 in 5 US adults reports daily loneliness: Gallup

A recent Gallup survey shows that 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience daily loneliness, the highest rate seen in the past two years. The percentage of Americans feeling isolated has risen slightly from earlier this year, though it remains below the 25% peak reported during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is believed to have contributed to long-lasting social isolation, with the transition to more virtual workspaces and the breakdown of traditional social interactions.

Loneliness has a significant impact on life satisfaction and mental health. People who reported feeling lonely were five times more likely to view their current life quality as poor, and they were 2.5 times more likely to have a negative outlook on their future well-being. Experts note that the return to normalcy has been slow, with certain aspects of social life still not fully recovered from the effects of the pandemic.

Loneliness is not only a mental health issue but also carries economic costs, especially among older adults. Social isolation can increase risks of depression, anger, and even premature death. For those looking to combat loneliness, experts recommend staying active, building positive relationships, and fostering a sense of accomplishment, which can significantly reduce feelings of isolation.

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