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Evalytics 09 October at 04.07 PM

US syphilis cases are rising, and STD clinics warn they’re struggling to find crucial antibiotic

  • Syphilis Surge: The U.S. is witnessing a significant rise in syphilis cases.

  • Bicillin Shortage: Clinics are struggling to obtain Bicillin, the primary syphilis treatment, leading to public health groups urging White House intervention.

  • Critical Treatment: Bicillin L-A is essential for treating syphilis, especially in pregnant women, with health departments now rationing supplies.

  • Pfizer's Role: As the sole U.S. manufacturer of Bicillin L-A, Pfizer has been unable to meet demand, with a potential resolution only by 2024.

  • Historical Context: A 2017 Bicillin shortage correlated with a dramatic rise in congenital syphilis cases, which have worsened since.

“It’s devastating to see the dramatic rise in completely preventable congenital syphilis cases while clinics can’t get their hands on the basic antibiotic they need to save lives and prevent profound consequences for newborn babies,” David C. Harvey, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors, said in a news release Monday."

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