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Evalytics 09 October at 06.46 PM

Sticking to a vegetarian diet may be partly genetic, study finds

A recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE suggests that one's inclination towards a vegetarian diet might be partly influenced by genetics. Researchers, using data from the U.K. Biobank, identified a set of genes associated with individuals who have consistently followed a vegetarian diet for at least a year. These genes are notably connected to brain function and the metabolism of fats.

Nabeel Yaseen, the study's lead author from Northwestern University, highlighted that while there's a genetic correlation, it doesn't imply these genes directly dictate a preference for vegetarianism. The research analyzed the genetic data of thousands, pinpointing three significant genes linked to vegetarianism and 31 others with a weaker association.

However, the study has its limitations. It primarily focused on white Caucasians, excluding other ethnicities to avoid potential racial genetic biases. Moreover, only a fraction of the human genome was examined, suggesting that more genes might be associated with vegetarianism that haven't been identified yet.

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