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Evalytics 09 October at 06.54 PM

Discrimination may disrupt how the brain and the gut talk to each other, raising risk of obesity, study finds

  • Discrimination impacts the brain-gut communication, as highlighted in a study from Nature Mental Health.
  • Participants facing more discrimination showed increased brain responses to unhealthy foods, leading to cravings for sugary and high-fat items.
  • These individuals had higher gut compounds associated with inflammation, oxidative stress, and potential depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Chronic stress from discrimination can exacerbate gastrointestinal issues and lead to inflammation and autoimmune diseases.
  • The study underscores the importance of managing stress, dietary habits, and promoting gut health to address the risks of discrimination.
  • Addressing broader social determinants of health and leveraging medical innovations can help mitigate the effects of discrimination on health.

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