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Evalytics 08 October at 05.18 AM

How the Dalai Lama's Doctor Landed His Dream Job

  • Barry Kerzin's roles as both a Tibetan Buddhist monk and a medical doctor offer unique insights into the intersection of medicine, spirituality, and compassion. He founded educational organizations, including the Human Values Institute and the Altruism in Medicine Institute, to train medical professionals in mindfulness, compassion, and resilience, enhancing patient care and emotional well-being.
  • Kerzin envisions systemic changes in the medical industry, such as longer appointment times and dedicated quiet spaces, to combat burnout among healthcare professionals. Barry Kerzin teaches physicians the importance of maintaining emotional distance from patients' suffering while preserving compassion and motivation to help.
  • He advocates for an AIMIcare app that emphasizes cultivating compassion for oneself, helping healthcare professionals avoid self-doubt and burnout. Through meditation and compassion practices, Kerzin guides medical professionals toward balance and resilience in their demanding roles, while celebrating their successes rather than dwelling on failures.

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