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All articles tagged: Endocrinology & Metabolism

Medical xPress 29 June at 10.30 AM

Animal study suggests a paternal fish oil supplement may lower obesity risk in offspring

A study performed in mice has uncovered a potential new tool to combat the escalating issue of childhood obesity. The research suggests that a simple dietary change, in the form of a fish oil supplement taken by fathers, might help address this pressing health concern.

Medical xPress 21 June at 01.28 PM

Revisiting effects of the pituitary-targeted gland axes on hepatic lipid homeostasis

Hepatic lipid homeostasis is critical for both cellular function and overall metabolic health. Disruptions in lipid homeostasis can lead to fatty liver diseases, which have become a significant global health concern. The evolving nomenclature and understanding of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have prompted renewed interest in its underlying mechanisms and broader metabolic implications

Medical xPress 07 June at 11.59 AM

Study reveals brown fat's role in protecting blood sugar metabolism

While white fat stores calories, brown fat burns them. A new study, appearing in the journal Cell, reveals that brown fat improves metabolic health by providing nutrients important to other organs, rather than warming up body temperature.

Medical xPress 04 June at 04.23 PM

Researchers advance understanding of mechanism linking hyperuricemia to hypertriglyceridemia

Hyperuricemia (HU) is diagnosed when the levels of urate in the blood exceed 420 μmol/L, the saturated concentration of urate. In mainland China, the prevalence of HU exceeds 17.7% in the adult population, affecting over 185 million individuals.

Medical xPress 03 June at 12.00 PM

Persons of nonbinary gender may desire lower-dose testosterone treatment than guidelines recommend

Among transgender and gender-diverse adults whose gender identity is nonbinary—not exclusively male or female—and who choose low-dose hormone treatment, most prefer to continue testosterone therapy at lower-than-recommended doses after at least six months of treatment, a new study finds. The study was presented at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

Medical xPress 02 June at 06.55 AM

Childhood sedentariness may cause premature liver damage in young adulthood

Children who are sedentary for more than six waking hours a day have a significantly increased risk of severe fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis by young adulthood, a new study finds. The research findings will be presented on Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Boston, Mass and published in Nature's npj Gut and Liver.

Medical xPress 30 May at 04.28 PM

Testosterone therapy: Study suggests it's a safe and effective gender-affirming hormone therapy for trans men

Transgender individuals often face unique challenges in aligning their physical bodies with their true gender identity. Among the various methods employed, gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) stands as a vital means for transgender men to achieve physical changes in consonance with their gender identity.

Medical xPress 28 May at 10.29 AM

Researchers identify promising protein candidate for metabolic disease treatment

University of Saskatchewan (USask) research, which has been published in Communications Biology, highlights the discovery of the lipid-lowering effects of nesfatin-1-like peptide (NLP). This newly identified peptide—or small protein—is a close relative of nesfatin-1 (NESF-1), which regulates feed intake and body weight.

Medical xPress 21 May at 03.07 PM

'Good' fat metabolism changes tied to estrogen loss, not necessarily to aging, shows study

Brown fat metabolism decreases in older men and women, but the decrease in women is not necessarily tied to age, according to new research. The first-of-its-kind study is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Medical xPress 14 May at 11.45 AM

Researchers reveal how lipopolysaccharide binding protein resists hepatic oxidative stress

A research team identified a novel mechanism by which the body regulates oxidative stress pressure, offering new insights into how cells respond to oxidative stress. The study is published in Nature Communications.

Medical xPress 17 April at 03.45 PM

The impact of ketogenic diets on cognitive behavior, motor function, and blood lipids

A new research paper titled "The impact of continuous and intermittent ketogenic diets on cognitive behavior, motor function, and blood lipids in TgF344-AD rats" has been published in Aging.

Medical xPress 02 April at 10.47 AM

Scientists reveal adipocytes' metabolic role and identify treatment targets

Recent research underscores the critical role of adipocytes in storing fat, vital for organismal survival. Dysfunctional adipocytes can lead to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease, highlighting the importance of understanding lipid storage mechanisms.

Medical xPress 28 March at 07.30 PM

Do sweeteners increase your appetite? New evidence from randomized controlled trial says no

Replacing sugar with artificial and natural sweeteners in foods does not make people hungrier—and also helps to reduce blood sugar levels, a new study has found.

Medical xPress 26 March at 10.40 AM

Acetylation: A timekeeper of glucocorticoid sensitivity

Cortisol, also commonly known as the stress hormone, belongs to the family of glucocorticoids. In addition to its physiological function, synthetic derivatives of cortisol are also used as anti-inflammatory drugs. In the cell, the hormone acts by binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which then acts as a transcription factor to regulate the activity of certain target genes.

Medical xPress 04 March at 10.39 AM

Adipose tissue dysbiosis exacerbates postnatal growth retardation in piglets, study finds

Postnatal growth retardation (PGR) is characterized by poor production performance, low feed conversion rate, and a high mortality rate, the metabolic basis of which in piglets is unclear.

Medical xPress 01 March at 05.00 AM

Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food

New findings reveal that the body undergoes significant, systematic changes across multiple organs during prolonged periods of fasting. The results demonstrate evidence of health benefits beyond weight loss, but also show that any potentially health-altering changes appear to occur only after three days without food.

Medical xPress 22 February at 03.15 PM

Mice study suggests metabolic diseases may be driven by gut microbiome, loss of ovarian hormones

The gut microbiome interacts with the loss of female sex hormones to exacerbate metabolic disease, including weight gain, fat in the liver and the expression of genes linked with inflammation, researchers found in a new rodent study.

Medical xPress 13 February at 12.49 PM

Research finds 'Goldilocks hormone' crucial for male fertility

Correct development of testes in a male fetus—and fertility later in life—depend on a crucial hormone being at just the right level.

Medical xPress 20 January at 03.26 AM

Liver can generate palmitic acid to maintain brain health, study suggests

Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that palmitic acid, one of the most common fats in human milk, meats, and dairy products, is made by the liver and sent to the developing brain when it's low in the diet.

Medical xPress 19 January at 10.20 AM

Graves' disease: When the thyroid is overactive

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that triggers the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones than the body needs. It's the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid.

Medical xPress 14 January at 11.40 AM

From straight to curly, thick to thin: Here's how hormones and chemotherapy can change your hair

Head hair comes in many colors, shapes and sizes, and hairstyles are often an expression of personal style or cultural identity.

Medical xPress 29 November at 07.10 AM

Many autoimmune disease patients struggle with diagnosis, costs, inattentive care

After years of debilitating bouts of fatigue, Beth VanOrden finally thought she had an answer to her problems in 2016 when she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder.

Medical xPress 27 November at 09.30 AM

Researchers find testosterone hormone therapy for transmasculine individuals is safer than previously thought

A common concern about gender-affirming hormone therapy for transmasculine people is the risk of red blood cell volume changes and erythrocytosis, a high concentration of red blood cells, with the use of prescribed testosterone. However, Mount Sinai researchers have found that testosterone treatment may be safer than previously reported, with results published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinol

Medical xPress 17 October at 11.00 AM

Recognizing clinical signs of hyperthyroidism leads to appropriate treatments, reduces adverse impact on health

Untreated hyperthyroidism, conditions where there is excess thyroid hormone present, can adversely affect health, leading to increased risks for abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, osteoporosis, adverse pregnancy outcomes, metabolic abnormalities and increased mortality risk.

Medical xPress 16 October at 10.01 AM

Study finds link between seasons and eating habits

The number of hours of light exposure we experience affects how we eat and how we burn energy. This may help us understand the link between seasons and metabolism.

Medical xPress 27 September at 06.35 AM

Hot flashes in cold weather: Study suggests brown adipose tissue activity may explain why

It seems counter-intuitive for women to experience hot flashes in cold temperatures but, thanks to declining estrogen levels that cause narrowing of the thermoneutral zone, changes in body core temperature can induce sweating responses in any weather.

Medical xPress 27 September at 06.35 AM

Race matters when prescribing hormone therapy for menopausal women

Michael Jackson may have sung "it don't matter if you're black or white," but when it comes to prescribing hormone therapy, it appears that race may definitely matter. That is according to a new study, presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society in Philadelphia September 27–30, that found even though Black patients have more menopause symptoms, they receive less treatment.

Medical xPress 27 September at 06.34 AM

New study suggests growing use of cannabis to help manage menopause symptoms

Not so long ago, young adults were the primary users of cannabis. The reality today, however, is that women and adults aged 50+ represent the fastest growing group of users. A study, presented during the 2023 Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society in Philadelphia September 27–30, confirms the frequent use of cannabis by midlife women to manage an array of menopause symptoms.

Medical xPress 27 September at 06.34 AM

Importance of dietary changes and physical activity to mitigate weight gain during midlife

Unwanted weight gain is a common problem associated with the menopause transition. Not only does it harm a woman's self-esteem, but it is also associated with the development of heart disease, cancer, and declines in cognition and mental health. Tips for managing weight during midlife are provided as part of a presentation at the 2023 Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society in Philadelphia Septemb