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Evalytics 24 October at 02.42 PM

Mediterranean diet may reduce or prevent PTSD symptoms, new research shows

Mediterranean Diet's Positive Effects: The diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, and fish, is associated with reduced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), potentially offering a dietary strategy for those prone to the condition.

Negative Association with Plant-Based Foods: The consumption of plant-based foods was found to have a negative correlation with PTSD symptoms, suggesting their beneficial role in mental health.

Adverse Effects of Certain Meats: A positive association was identified between the consumption of red and processed meats and PTSD symptoms, indicating these foods might exacerbate the condition.

Gut-Brain Connection: The research highlights the complex communication between the gut and the brain, emphasizing how a healthy diet influences mental health, particularly through the gut microbiome and its impact on brain function.

Inflammation Reduction: The Mediterranean diet's anti-inflammatory effects are deemed central to its benefits, as inflammation is a known risk factor for both depression and PTSD. The diet's composition helps reduce gut inflammation, further influencing brain health.

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