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Evalytics 31 October at 05.17 PM

Hitting Snooze May Help You Feel Less Sleepy and More Alert, Research Says

Hitting the "snooze" button is a common practice, especially among younger individuals. While traditionally believed to disrupt healthy sleep patterns, recent research suggests that snoozing might be beneficial for some. The study found that people felt more alert and rested after using the snooze button for an additional 30 minutes.

The research comprised two parts: a survey on the habits of "snoozers" and a lab-conducted sleep study. Results showed that snoozing did not significantly affect sleep quality or overall sleep duration. In fact, participants who snoozed performed better on cognitive tests, indicating that a brief interruption in morning sleep might help counteract sleep inertia.

However, despite the positive outcomes, the study emphasizes that these findings are most relevant for healthy sleepers. Those with sleep disorders or persistent fatigue should still consult with a healthcare professional.

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