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Evalytics 05 February at 08.42 PM

How cosmetic leg lengthening surgeries are luring patients and courting controversy

Increasing Popularity: The article highlights the growing popularity of cosmetic leg-lengthening surgeries, with more patients seeking these procedures for aesthetic reasons.

Motivations: It discusses the various motivations behind individuals choosing to undergo such surgeries, including societal pressure, self-esteem issues, and personal desires.

Medical Controversy: The article outlines the controversy within the medical community regarding the ethics and risks associated with these surgeries, as they are often performed for non-medical reasons.

Risks and Complications: It delves into the potential risks and complications associated with leg-lengthening surgeries, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making.

Regulation and Oversight: The article also touches upon the need for increased regulation and oversight in the field to ensure patient safety and ethical standards are upheld.

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