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Evalytics 08 April at 08.28 PM

10 doctors on FDA panel for Abbott heart device had financial ties to the company

  • Ten out of the 18 members on the FDA panel evaluating Abbott's heart device had financial ties to the company, raising concerns about impartiality.
  • Some panel members received consulting fees, research grants, or other payments from Abbott, potentially influencing their decision-making.
  • The FDA acknowledged the financial relationships but stated that it ensures panel members with conflicts of interest do not participate in discussions or votes related to the companies they're connected with.
  • Experts emphasize the importance of transparency in disclosing financial ties to maintain public trust in the FDA's decision-making process.
  • The case underscores broader concerns about conflicts of interest in regulatory agencies and the need for stronger safeguards to ensure impartiality in evaluating medical devices.

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