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Evalytics 23 April at 07.08 PM

Biden administration issues new rule to protect privacy of those seeking reproductive health care: ‘No one should have to live in fear’

Privacy Protection: The HIPAA Privacy Rule ensures patients' privacy in reproductive health care, prohibiting disclosure of medical information even across state lines.

Strengthened Privacy Rights: The rule enhances privacy protections for patients and healthcare providers involved in reproductive health care.

Access to Lawful Care: Amidst increasing state-level restrictions post-Roe v. Wade, the rule aims to safeguard access to lawful reproductive health care.

Federal Intervention: The rule represents part of ongoing efforts by the Biden-Harris administration to protect reproductive health care access.

Challenges Remain: Despite the rule, challenges persist, as highlighted by ongoing legal battles over abortion rights in various states and the need for a national law reinstating Roe v. Wade.

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