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Evalytics 23 April at 07.38 PM

Revolutionary molecular device unleashes potential for targeted drug delivery and self-healing materials

Novel Molecular Device: Scientists at The University of Manchester developed a groundbreaking molecular device that controls the release of multiple small molecules using force.

Rotaxane Utilization: The device harnesses rotaxane molecules to trigger targeted release of functional molecules, such as medicines or healing agents, in response to mechanical force.

Versatility and Efficiency: This approach enables the simultaneous release of up to five molecules, overcoming previous limitations and offering efficiency in controlled release systems.

Applications in Medicine: The technology holds promise for advancing medical treatment by precisely targeting areas in need, such as tumor sites, with the release of therapeutic agents.

Potential for Self-Healing Materials: It also shows potential for creating self-healing materials, like phone screens, which can repair themselves in situ when damaged, prolonging their lifespan.

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