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Evalytics 29 April at 06.36 PM

Researchers create artificial cells that act like living cells

Engineering Synthetic Cells: Researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill have successfully engineered cells resembling those found in the body by manipulating DNA and proteins.

Advancing Regenerative Medicine: This breakthrough has significant implications for regenerative medicine, offering new avenues for tissue engineering and drug delivery systems.

Reprogrammed DNA and Peptides: The study involves reprogramming DNA sequences and peptides to construct functional cytoskeletons for synthetic cells, enabling them to adapt to changing environments.

Stability at Extreme Temperatures: The synthetic cells exhibit remarkable stability, even surviving temperatures as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit, indicating potential resilience in harsh conditions.

Potential Biotechnological Applications: These findings pave the way for innovative applications in biotechnology and medicine, with the ability to create customizable synthetic materials for various functions beyond natural biology.

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