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Evalytics 06 May at 07.54 PM

Climb stairs to live longer, say cardiologists

Research presented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2024 suggests that climbing stairs is linked to longer life and better heart health. Dr. Sophie Paddock highlights the significance of opting for stairs over elevators whenever feasible, as even brief stair climbing bouts can yield significant health benefits.

The meta-analysis involved nine studies with 480,479 participants, encompassing both healthy individuals and those with cardiovascular issues. Results showed that stair climbing was associated with a 24% reduced risk of all-cause mortality and a 39% lower likelihood of cardiovascular disease-related death.

Dr. Paddock advocates for integrating stair climbing into daily routines to capitalize on its health benefits. While the study indicates that more frequent stair climbing may offer greater benefits, further research is warranted to confirm this correlation. Nevertheless, the findings underscore the importance of simple lifestyle changes like stair climbing in promoting heart health and longevity.

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