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Evalytics 13 May at 09.13 PM

Researchers estimate vaccines have saved 154 million lives over past half-century

An international team, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), economists, and modeling specialists, published a study in The Lancet revealing that vaccines have saved approximately 154 million lives over the past half-century. Particularly benefiting children under one year old, vaccines have proven instrumental in preventing suffering and death from deadly diseases targeted by the WHO's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), initiated in 1974.

The research team analyzed 50 years of vaccination data, developing 22 models to estimate global lives saved. Children under one year old received the most significant benefit, with 101 million lives saved. Additionally, vaccination programs have reduced global infant mortality rates by 40%, with the measles vaccine notably contributing to 60% of lives saved since the inception of the EPI program.

In summary, vaccines play a pivotal role in global health, significantly reducing mortality rates, especially among vulnerable populations like infants. The interdisciplinary collaboration between health researchers, economists, and modeling specialists underscores the importance of informed policymaking and continued advancements in public health initiatives worldwide.

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