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Evalytics 31 August at 04.53 AM

National Task Force Approves Long-Acting HIV Prevention Drug, Requires Insurance Coverage by 2025

A national health task force's endorsement of a long-acting injectable medication for HIV prevention necessitates health insurers to cover it by 2025. This move could strengthen the country's efforts to combat the HIV epidemic. The recommendation involves Pfizer's Apretude, which proved superior to Truvada in preventing HIV across a high-risk population. However, a conservative lawsuit aiming to nullify coverage mandates from the task force poses a significant legal challenge.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended the use of antiretroviral medications to prevent HIV, including Apretude, in a bid to expand access to PrEP. The approval is projected to enhance PrEP accessibility, though legal obstacles loom as a lawsuit in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threatens to undermine the requirement for insurance coverage. Despite these challenges, health authorities emphasize the importance of expanded PrEP access to curtail the HIV epidemic and address racial disparities in transmission.

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