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Evalytics 28 September at 04.44 AM

FDA Discussing Artificial Wombs for Premature Babies

  • FDA advisers are discussing the possibility of creating artificial wombs to improve the survival chances of extremely premature babies and reduce long-term health problems.
  • Currently, no such device has been tested in humans, but similar ones have been used successfully in animal studies.
  • Preterm births are the leading cause of death in children under 5, with premature babies at risk of various health issues.
  • An artificial womb could assist infants born before 28 weeks of pregnancy, which is considered extreme prematurity, to develop further during critical stages of lung and brain development.
  • The FDA's Pediatric Advisory Committee is evaluating the ethical and regulatory considerations and what data would be required for human trials.
  • While experts see potential in artificial womb technology, there are ethical, regulatory, and viability considerations to address before widespread use.

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