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Evalytics 16 October at 04.47 PM

It’s not ‘Star Wars’-level tech yet, but doctors get a step closer to a bionic hand with special surgery and AI

Phantom Limb Pain and Prosthetics: Karin suffered significant phantom limb pain after amputation, and traditional prosthetics failed to fully address this issue or restore complete hand functionality.

Bionic Hand Introduction: Karin received a pioneering bionic hand connected to her neuromusculoskeletal system, a significant departure from conventional prosthetics.

Functionality and Sensation: The bionic hand enables Karin to perform various daily tasks, restoring about 80% of her hand's original functions and providing a limited sense of touch.

Pain Reduction: The use of the bionic hand significantly reduced Karin's phantom pain, completely eliminated her stump pain, and improved her overall quality of life.

Technological Components: The hand is self-contained, with internal components like a controller, battery unit, and mechatronic coupler, marking a significant step in bionic-human integration.

Future Prospects: Despite its advancements, the technology isn't as sophisticated as fictional representations like Luke Skywalker's hand. There's an ongoing aim to refine the technology and make it more accessible.

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