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All articles tagged: Gonococcal infection, unspecified (A54.9)

HealthDay 27 June at 11.14 AM

Ignorance Could Be Fueling Rising Spread of STDs, Poll Finds

Many sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in the United States, and a nationwide poll indicates that ignorance about how they're transmitted could be fueling their spread.About a third of Americans (34%) falsely believe sexually transmitted infections (<a href="

Evalytics 27 November at 05.37 PM

Will first FDA-approved at-home test for gonorrhea, chlamydia ease the epidemic?

The FDA approved the first at-home test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, a significant step in addressing rising STI rates in the U.S. However, concerns about increased regulation potentially affecting availability and cost, and the test's limitations in covering all needs, particularly for syphilis and in the gay and bisexual community, remain points of debate.

HealthDay 16 November at 09.53 PM

First OTC Test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea Approved by the FDA

On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted marketing authorization to LetsGetChecked for the Simple 2 Test, the first home test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.People will be able to buy the Simple 2 Test over-the-counter at a pharmacy, take a specimen at home, and send their sample to a designated laboratory for testing, the FDA

Evalytics 06 November at 03.16 PM

New antibiotic shows promise for drug-resistant gonorrhea

A new antibiotic, zoliflodacin, has been shown to effectively treat drug-resistant gonorrhea in clinical trials and could become the first new treatment for the STI in decades, with the possibility of market availability by 2025.

HealthDay 03 November at 11.00 PM

New Antibiotic Tackles Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea in Trial

The first new antibiotic for gonorrhea -- the second most common sexually transmitted disease -- has shown promise in a clinical trial.This new antibiotic, called zoliflodacin, was seen in the trial to cure uncomplicated gonorrhea infection as effectively as the current go-to treatment -- ceftriaxone along with one dose of azithromycin pills.