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All articles tagged: Alcohol dependence with withdrawal, uncomplicated (F10.230)

HealthDay 16 January at 11.45 PM

FDA Says Marijuana Should Be Reclassified as Less Risky Drug

Citing research that revealed marijuana has less potential for abuse than other drugs with the same restrictions, scientists from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration say it should be reclassified as a less dangerous drug.Right now, cannabis is classified as a Schedule I contro

Evalytics 22 December at 02.27 PM

Could a little-known psychedelic drug treat opioid addiction? Kentucky wants to find out.

Kentucky is seeking federal approval to study ibogaine, a psychedelic drug from West Africa, as a potential treatment for opioid addiction. Ibogaine has shown promise in reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings, presenting an alternative approach to traditional addiction treatments.

HealthDay 09 November at 04.14 PM

Eating Disorders Linked to Negative Physical Health

Eating disorders are associated with a significant increase in the risk for physical multimorbidity, according to a study recently published online in Eating and Weight Disorders.Lee Smith, from Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom, and colleagues used data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (7,403 particip