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All articles tagged: Unspecified acute conjunctivitis (H10.3)

HealthDay 10 July at 03.12 PM

Most Children With Conjunctivitis Have Rx for Topical Antibiotics Filled

More than two-thirds of children with conjunctivitis have a prescription filled for topical antibiotics within one day of an ambulatory care visit, according to a research letter published online June 27 in JAMA Ophthalmology.Daniel J. Shapiro, M.D., M.P.H., from the University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues examined pr

Evalytics 06 May at 07.27 PM

Dairy worker with bird flu never developed respiratory symptoms, only pinkeye

A dairy worker contracted bird flu without showing respiratory symptoms, only exhibiting pink eye. The case highlights the potential for varied symptoms and transmission routes of avian influenza. Health officials emphasize vigilance in monitoring for unusual symptoms to prevent outbreaks.