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All articles tagged: Epilepsy, unspecified, intractable, with status epilepticus (G40.911)

HealthDay 11 July at 12.43 PM

New Research Points Towards Potential Treatment for Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa could be caused by lack of a specific brain chemical, reports a research team that has developed a possible cure for the eating disorder.Mouse studies have revealed that a deficit in acetylcholine, a neurotra

Evalytics 08 April at 09.08 PM

Study: Epilepsy patients benefit from structured 'seizure action plans'

In a study published in Neurology, researchers found that epilepsy patients benefited from observing seizure activity on video, leading to improved self-management strategies. The study highlights the importance of patient involvement in their own care and underscores the potential of technology in enhancing epilepsy management.

HealthDay 30 November at 04.51 PM

Deployment History Has Differential Impact on Epilepsy in Veterans With TBI

For veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI), deployment history has a significant differential impact on epilepsy predictors, according to a study published online Nov. 29 in Neurology.Amy K. Henion, M.P.H., from the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System in Utah, and colleagues examined the associations of all TBI exposures and epil

HealthDay 09 November at 04.11 PM

Yoga Intervention Can Reduce Felt Stigma in Epilepsy Patients

For patients with epilepsy, yoga therapy plus psychoeducation can reduce felt stigma, according to a study published online Nov. 8 in Neurology.Kirandeep Kaur, Ph.D., from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, and colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine whether yoga and psychoeducation are effe