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All articles tagged: Family history of other diseases of the respiratory system (Z83.6)

HealthDay 16 January at 11.49 PM

CDC: Although Season Not Over, Flu Activity Is Slowing Down

For the first time in months, there has been "a single-week decrease" in flu activity, according to data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.But health officials warn that the flu season is far from over, with a surge expected shortly. "Folks try not to seek care

Evalytics 27 November at 06.14 PM

WHO asks China for more information on spike in pediatric respiratory illnesses

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking more information from China about a rise in respiratory illnesses and pneumonia in children, following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. This increase is linked to various pathogens, including influenza and RSV. There are also reports of undiagnosed pediatric pneumonia cases in northern China. The WHO has requested detailed data from China and adv