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All articles tagged: Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified, first trimester (Z34.91)

HealthDay 11 July at 03.25 PM

Proteomics Panel Not Useful for Predicting Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Large-scale proteomics in early pregnancy is not clinically useful for risk prediction of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), according to a study published online July 3 in JAMA Cardiology.Philip Greenland, M.D., from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, and colleagues conducted a nested case-

HealthDay 23 January at 09.27 PM

COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy Safe for Infant Neurodevelopment

COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy seems safe in terms of neurodevelopment through 18 months of age, according to a study published online Jan. 22 in JAMA Pediatrics.Eleni G. Jaswa, M.D., from the University of California in San Francisco, and colleagues conducted a prospective cohort study, Assessing the Safety of Pregnancy During